In the Science Program we explore our world and try to understand how things work, we conduct experiments in every meeting, and keep a laboratory log to help us predict, follow-up and analyze our results.
Every session is devoted to a different field of science and we’ll conduct relevant experiments. We’ll also learn about remarkable scientists in that particular field, their work, their achievements and their inventions or discoveries. Meetings are divided into two parts: - In-depth explanations of the topic and process being explored in a particular area of science. Familiarization with the laboratory equipment. Enrichment through learning about a scientist relevant to the field. Learning distinctive characteristics of the natural phenomenon and related scientific processes.
- Conducting experiments on the session’s focus topic. Preparing the experiments or solutions. Conducting research and laboratory work. Every meeting focuses on a different experiment as we create amazing scientific results!
Added value to TH!NK Science Program. Values gained in this program include correct working procedures, familiarization with diverse fields of science, the laws of physics, processes in chemistry and biology, and many more.
We will try in first hand at: growing crystals, how missiles work, air vortices, tornadoes, bouncing balls, glowing gel bracelets, volcanic eruptions, and much more.
During the year we will hold a special evening session – a joint activity for parents and children. With a our experienced stuff and mentors.